Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stop now, what's that sound...

That's the sound of silence because today is the Internet Radio Day of Silence. While I could rant here about the imminent demise of internet radio, about the loss of some great stations like Carp Circles or Directional Wave, about the loss of a venue for bands that doesn't require deep pockets or industry connections. But I'm not going to do that. It's been done by better than I. But I will add my support to the cause. It's a misguided law, paid for by big record labels, and sounds the death nell of free internet radio due to royalty rates that are impossibly high for the majority of internet radio producers. July 15th internet radio dies, will you let it, or will you write you congressman and demand that they review this law and keep the music playing? Go to Savenetradio and see how you too can lend your support to the DJs of this medium.

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