Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Nightly Nerdlinger News Secret Origins Edition Pt 2

Tonight we feature sites where I find all the latest news about comic book movie, television and DVD projects.

First off is Superherohype, part of Crave online. They get a lot of interviews, reviews and news about superhero movies and television. They're a pretty good source.

Next up we have the appropriately named ComicBookMovie.com. They update regularly about just about any comic book movie news in a rolling blog. I often find stuff that gets over looked at the more general sites.

Next is the very specific Batman on Film site. Guess what they talk about there. But they are the place to go for any Batman fan looking for news about movie projects for the Dark Knight.

Though they actually can be a bit slow updating thier own news, you have to check Marvel.com for news regarding upcoming Marvel Heroes based movies. If for no other reason than the high res pics and clips.

Although they're a print media site, you can sometimes find some movie related news at Comic Book Resources , but even if they don't have a column up for movies or television they have really good reviews and news of comics themselves.

Tomorrow, science fiction and horror news sites that didn't get mentioned previously, and there's a bunch of em.

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