Friday, April 30, 2010

The Arizona immigration law

Re: the new Arizona illegal alien law. While I certainly believe that illegal means illegal and any people here illegally should be deported, I can see a LOT of legal aliens and even citizens being at least inconvenienced if not outright arrested for not having handy proof of citizenship on them at all times. This law wont stand legal challenge I'm sure, but it should force the federal Gov. to enact legislation that will, sooner rather than later. Whether or not that future law has any teeth or is just a "come and get it" pass for even more people to enter the country illegally remains to be seen. No politician on either side really wants the flow of cheap exploitable labor to stop, regardless of thier public stance. They are merely mouthing the words that the more extreme sides of thier party want to hear.

Before anyone starts to scream "racist" make sure you read what I said carefully. I have no problem whatsoever with people that follow the correct channels and enter this country with visas and work permits. If they like it here I welcome them and wish them luck in thier bid for citizenship; this is a great country and all legal immigrants should be able to strive towards being a citizen here. But we all need to follow the law, a person that flaunts it once to enter illegally is likely to flaunt it many times while here. The need for many false documents and the fraud associated with being here illegally supports a huge criminal industry and is a drain on our taxes and resources. It strains the resources of local law enforcement and adds to federal costs as well. So before we all take sides, let's stop and think about the issue like rational adults. There has to be a better way, a way that works to keep illegals out but does not discriminate against legal aliens and citizens that are of any ethnicity. remember, there are illegals here that come from European countries and other mostly white/black countries. How can we tell if they are here illegally when they apear as American as you or I? We can't. So the only real way to secure our borders is tighter control of entry. Add to that an actual willingness to deport those found here illegally, heavy fines for bussinesses found to be using illegals and maybe we can curb the rush to come here illegally. I don't know, but there has to be a better way.

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