Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Nightly Nerdlinger News epi 13

I know you missed it so it's back!

First, big news from the San Diego Comic con

Zachary Quinto, Syler from Heroes, is going to be in season 2 of Heroes, he's also going to play Spock in the JJ Abrahms Star Trek movie, the 11th in the franchice. And so is Leonard Nimoy. I smell time travel, or at least flashbacks. source : HR

Kevin Smith is writing at least one episode of Heroes: Origins ! That is sooo cool!
Source: Superherohype

I am sooo hyped for the next season! Season 1 DVDs are due out Aug. 28th.

1 comment:

quin browne said...

i'm working on the big rlsh thing here in new york on 28 october

have a looksee


and let me know what you think.