Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Too tired to blog or search the internet for all the stuff tonight ( or last night it seems. ) But I'll be back tomorrow with a veritable plethora of nerdlinger news.

Maybe I'm tried because I've watched the first 50 episodes of Red Vs Blue over the last couple of nights. OMG, even if you're not a Halo or even an FPS fan, this is some funny shit. I've seen the odd epi over the last couple of years, but this is the first time I've actually sat down and watched them in order. They're up to 99 now. Epi 100 is supposed to be the final episode of The Blood Gulch Chronicles. They just started a Shadowrun based series called 1-800-magic that looks like it'll be cool too. All of the videos are up on youtube


quin browne said...

even i've seen red vs. blue.

but, that many in a sitting or few?

mrs verm is a saint.

Verminous Countenance said...

I watched 30 one night and 20 the next, but I had headphones on and she's on the laptop playing games anyway :p So, not THAT much of a saint LOL.

quin browne said...

total saint.